Cacao Ceremony gives us sacred space and time for ourselves.

A cacao ceremony is a powerful opportunity to switch off from external distractions. Take a shamanic journey to commune directly with the spirit of cacao, reconnect to your inner guidance. Opening the energetic heart to heal emotional wounds and to release old and stale blockages. 

Cacao also enables us to access stuck emotions, and patterns of behaviour that are buried deep in the unconscious and release them in safe and nurturing environment, allowing you to move forward with more grace and ease.

Please note: Everyone will experience Cacao differently. It all depends on an individual's extra sensory perception, and how Cacao works with you.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Pregnancy, SSRI medication.

Purchase Your Own Cacao

If you wish to purchase your own cacao for either daily dosing or special occasions. I highly recommend Ritual Cacao. Follow the link below and use discount code PREMYOGA10 for 10% off.